Friday, May 31, 2019
Reflection Essay :: Reflection Essay
REFLECTION PAPER     Chapter 10 is entitled Conflict Management in Groups. This is a very essential chapter for all members of a group to read and understand. Fortunately, my group members and I have not had a problem with getting along. It just so happened that four members of my group already know each other from another class they are in together. So, they already got along and had some connection with wizard another. I think we all have good personalities and we enjoy working with each other. The characteristics of our group allow us to be a successful group. The semester is approaching to an end, and we have worked hard together to perform all tasks and accomplish all our goals. Getting to the stage where we are now involved a lot of comprimising and negotiating. So, the deuce terms I would like to concentrate on from Chapter 10 is comprimise and negotiation. To me, comprimise is meeting someone half way. You may have to adjust some of your beliefs or idea s to satisfy the beliefs or ideas of another group member. the book defines comprimise as a middle ground. You show a moderate concern for both task and social relationships in groups. The next term I would like to look at is negotiation. I would define negotiation as giving and taking to reach a vernacular goal. The books definition of negotiation is a process by which a joint decision is made by two or more parties. After researching information for my group project and listening to another groups presentation, it is evident that everyone thinks comprimise and negotiation are very important. There was a muscular emphasis on avoiding conflict in the group
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Ronald Takakis Iron Cages: Race and Culture in 19th-Century America Es
Ronald Takakis Iron Cages Race and burnish in 19th-Century AmericaAfter America declared its independence from British rule, the psychiatric hospital fathers faced a conundrum How to build and maintain a successful republican govern manpowert that was ultimately dependent upon the passions and character of its people. Their solution was to propose the manifestation of what historians have called iron cages, which were ideological devices intended to deter the corruption and folly that might consume a free people, and instead promoterational and virtuous American citizens. Ronald Takaki expands upon this fantasy in his historical analysis, Iron Cages Race and Culture in 19th-Century America, explaining that these constructs functioned specifically to separate the bloodless man from blacks and Native Americans, who were believed to be devoid of the civility needed to build a democratic nation. As patriot leaders attempted to resolve the exclusiveness of American identity to Anglo -Saxon peoples, rhetoric and reality unified to form ideology In a land where all men are created equal, race was constructed as a justification for why all men would non be treated equal. Takakis book illustrates how literature came to play a vital role in the creation and reification of these racial ideologies. He states that, What white men in power thought and did mightily affected what everyone thought and did. Americans viewed the founding fathers as interpreters of both law and society. These same men, whom Takakinames culture makers, not only shouldered the task of explaining society, but were also instrumental in its conception. Takaki explainsthat their ideas were disseminated, and American mores were subsequently shaped through writing. Hi... ... finds America imprisoned behind a fourth iron cage, that which acts as an amalgamation of the republican, the corporate and the demonic. He explains that, Like the republicans of the American Revolution, we continue to insist on our right of and capacity for being supreme individuals. But we find ourselves again under the rule of a king - an authority exterior to the self. This time, however, we cannot as easily identify the king and declare our independence. patronagethe prejudice, hate and violence that seem to be so deeply entrenched in Americas multiracial culture and history of imperialism, Takaki does offer us hope. Just as literature has the power to construct racial systems, so it also has the power to refute and transcend them The pen is in our hands.Works ConsultedTakaki, Ronald. Iron Cages Race and Culture in 19th-Century America
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Argument for Legalization of Marijuana Essay -- Argumentative Persuas
Marijuana has become one of the most controversial medicines in America. Ever since its cultivation began around 1611, hemp has puzzled people with its effects. Many question hemp?s classification as a schedule one dose. A schedule one drug is one that has a high potential for abuse and no medicinal value. Some argue that the war on drugs, in particular marijuana, has cost taxpayers billions and is blow funds that could be used on more important tasks such as improving transportation or education. As drug arrests rise, so do the populations in state prisons. This has become an immediate problem with no real solution. The legalization of possessing small amounts of marijuana passel contribute positively to the medical exam and economical world as well as cut down on the prison population.Many people today use marijuana for multiple reasons. in that location will always be the teenager who tries it for the first time and enjoys the ?high? that comes along with smoking it . Besides those who smoke it for recreational purposes, there are those who impoverishment the plant as a form of medication. People suffering from a wide range of diseases and sicknesses such as AIDS and Glaucoma have claimed that it has benefited them. Numerous medical associations in the U.S. and abroad have done many tests to find the benefits and harms of marijuana. These tests come up with the same conclusion that marijuana is just as much if non more helpful than harmful. Approximately 400, 000 Americans die every year from a smoking related illness. In 5000 years of recorded use, marijuana has never been link to a single death, overdose, or acute toxicity (Schlosser 48). Many cancer patients have used marijuana to combat nausea and pain. AIDS patients hav... ...wo percent of drug cases so the influence could not be measured accurately. In 1997, only 15 percent of state and federal inmates received substance-abuse treatment during their current terms. That scra p is down from 1991. There will always be a group of people that find some concepts as preposterous. There were those who believed that watching a lecture box would never be entertaining. There were those that laughed in the Wright brother?s face when they proposed the idea of a flying machine. The idea of legalizing marijuana may wait absurd to those who do not use it but for those whose life it will improve, it seems like a grand idea. There are products on the market that can compare to marijuana?s negative effects yet those products are legal. When will America wake up and realize the cry for the legalization of marijuana is growing louder than ever?
Reminiscencia de la infancia: el caso de un escritor de los siglos XX y :: Foreign Language Spanish Essays
Reminiscencia de la infancia el caso de un escritor de los siglos XX yLa primera primera ficcin narrativa de Medardo Fraile, uno de los maestrosde la Edad de Oro del cuento espaol contemporneo, surgi a la edad de cinco aos.La temprana edad de su escritura nos lleva a investigar sobre los hechos queacompaaron su infancia y que pudieron despertar en l esa necesidad de crear. Lalectura de su obra narrativa, vinculada a su biografa, as como alguno de susnumerosos artculos, nos confirman el efecto que produjo en Medardo Fraile nio laausencia de su madre, fallecida meses antes del surgimiento de ese primer cuento. Enel artculo Crnica de m mismo y alrededores el escritor nos dice Hasta los cincoaos, mi vida estuvo condicionada por la enfermedad de mi madre, que muri a lostreinta y tres aos de una cardiopata de tipo reumtico cuando yo tena cinco (70).En su novela Autobiografa encontramos este mismo hecho transformado en ficcinAl llegar al portal se solt y subi la escalera a saltos. La puerta estabaentornada. La empuj y se lanz a la alcoba a besar a su madre. Abri la puertay vio el cuarto vaco y el balcn de par en par y, en un rincn un montn delana.Alguien le llev al comedor, mientras el beso que le corra prisa dar,ahorrado tantos das, se le anudaba incrdulo en el cuerpo, en el vaco, en elaire. (236-37)Los sentimientos de ausencia y soledad producidos en el jovencsimo MedardoFraile por la muerte de su madre, influyen decisivamente en el desarrollo de su oficio,primero en Espaa, y posteriormente, a partir de 1964 en el Reino Unido, donde viveen la actualidad. En El inters del Psicoanlisis para la Esttica (1913) Freud nosrecuerda que hay conexin entre las impresiones infantiles y los destinos del artista ysus obras, como reacciones a tales impulsos. La muerte de la madre de Medardo Fraileconstituye un momento crucial aunque todava temprano del desarrollo de suescritura, en ese despertar de su mente creadora. En Ms de cien cuentos en busca desu autor el escritor nos descri be ese momento inicial de ficcin narrativaEl primer cuento que recuerdo y si lo recuerdo ser por algo, lo hilvan enMadrid, oralmente, a los cinco aos, en un banco de la calle Princesa. Mimadre haba muerto meses antes y yo viva en nuestra casa con mi padre, casisiempre ausente, y mi madrina. Aquel da sal de mi colegio necesitando unpauelo, no s por qu.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Reflection of a Homily by Gregory the Great :: essays research papers
REFLECTION ON A HOMILY BY GREGORY THE GREATIn Gregorys homily it seems the congregation has trouble understanding the command of our Lord to chouse as He has. This entails loving even our enemies as Christ has. Yet, how do we delight in those who harm us? To often we believe that any harm to us demands a distorted form of justice. In other words, to give to them as we got. However, this is not the love of Christ, this is not justice, this is vengeance. So how do we love our enemies as He does? First, we must learn to gravely understand what it is to love those in family and community. If we love them seriously and fully, then we will learn to love our enemies, because loving truly has become a habit within us.What is it to love our family and friends seriously? As Gregory s gumminesses, cultivate the uprightness of love in tranquil times by showing mercy. We are to extend mercy to them so that mercy maybe shown to our enemies. To extend mercy toward family and friends is to exo nerate the irritations they create, provide for their needs when they ask for what they want, and above all learn to give without fear and merciless condition. In doing this daily and making it a habit, then we catch that our enemies are in the same needs as our friends and we can give to them as well. As we say in the Marine Corps, The more we sweat in practice, the less we bleed in battle. This in turn will halt our false sense of duty, which turns our love into servile obligation and therefore never to be given as the Lord has. Charity in its most ordinary form would not be so if performed perfunctorily, it would be a tit for tat and we would all become useless servants only doing what we are supposed to. Yet, to prevent a false and fearful love from being given, we must learn what it is to love the Lord. How we love Him is how we would love our family, friends, and enemies. For our love to live after death and to even bring life to others, it must sacrifice the life of God wit hin it first. This is Gregorys thought as he interprets the scripture passage I have chosen you and appointed you to go and bring forth fruit into I have appointed you for grace.
Reflection of a Homily by Gregory the Great :: essays research papers
REFLECTION ON A HOMILY BY GREGORY THE GREATIn Gregorys homily it seems the congregation has trouble sympathy the command of our Lord to bang as He has. This entails loving even our enemies as Christ has. Yet, how do we love those who harm us? To often we swear that any harm to us demands a distorted form of justice. In other words, to give to them as we got. However, this is not the love of Christ, this is not justice, this is vengeance. So how do we love our enemies as He does? First, we must learn to seriously understand what it is to love those in family and community. If we love them seriously and fully, then we will learn to love our enemies, because loving truly has become a habit within us.What is it to love our family and friends seriously? As Gregory states, cultivate the virtue of love in tranquil quantify by showing mercy. We are to extend mercy to them so that mercy maybe shown to our enemies. To extend mercy toward family and friends is to forgive the irritations the y create, provide for their demand when they ask for what they want, and supra all learn to give without fear and merciless condition. In doing this daily and making it a habit, then we find that our enemies are in the same needs as our friends and we can give to them as well. As we say in the Marine Corps, The more we sweat in practice, the less we bleed in battle. This in turn will halt our false sense of duty, which turns our love into servile obligation and therefore never to be given as the Lord has. bounty in its most ordinary form would not be so if performed perfunctorily, it would be a tit for tat and we would all become useless servants further doing what we are supposed to. Yet, to prevent a false and fearful love from being given, we must learn what it is to love the Lord. How we love Him is how we would love our family, friends, and enemies. For our love to stick up after death and to even bring life to others, it must have the life of God within it first. This is G regorys thought as he interprets the tidings passage I have chosen you and appointed you to go and bring forth fruit into I have appointed you for grace.
Monday, May 27, 2019
Enriques Journey Essay
Just as Enrique arrives, there is tension between his mother and him. They bug out to argue about how Enrique had developed bad habits such as drinking and staying out late as well as sniffing glue. These problems do non force me because he had been through alot on his intense journey all the way from Honduras. It hurt Lourdes to see her son do nothing but hurt himself and her family because the gold he was spending on alcohol should have been sent stake home to help pay for school. Enrique also put his mother d knowledge by constantly making her feel guilty for leaving and that she did not deserve to call herself his mother.Looking back at the relationship between them before she leftover, I thought that their relationship would have been stronger than ever after not seeing each other for years and that he would appreciate the fact that he plant her unlike many of the other immigrants that search for years and are still unable to find their family members. Enriques motivation to stay in the join States is work and spoil a house back in Honduras not to mention the amount of money he is making allows him to afford a lot more than he could back in Honduras.He wishes to continue working so he can support his daughter and his daughter back home in Honduras as well as buy a house so that he can move in with his girlfriend and daughter and finally be a family. He thinks that his girlfriend is cheating on him and he realizes that he wants to be there for his daughter and raise her before she calls soulfulness else her father. Rather than Enrique moving back home he decides that he wants his girlfriend and the baby to move to the United States with him.I believe that there is so much conflict between Enrique and Lourdes is because Lourdes is move to mother and discipline Enrique when she was not there raise him so he feels as if she is not his mother anymore. If she had not left and raised her family as her own they would not have any problems with their rel ationship and most likely Enrique would have not got himself into trouble by abusing drugs and drinking too much. I believe erst Enrique begins to pick up his act and stops abusing drugs and drinking and coming home late his relationship with his mother would become better as well as eing able to function the next day and able to perform well at work so he can earn enough to reproof his family back home in Honduras.I believe that Enrique made the correct decision coming to the United States, although he put his life in risk of infection he reached his goal and finally got to see his mother after many years. Despite making the same mistake as his mother and leaving his girlfriend and daughter for a job to help pay for their needs, I believe it is necessary because if Enrique was back home there was a chance he could not have even had a job and then he would have had no way to support his family.He gained many things by coming to the United States. He had an opportunity to provide a decent living for his family as well as reuniting with his mother even though it was not easy for them at first. Enrique, on his journey, lost his sense of pride. After being harassed by so many times by the local police, he had nothing left to the point where it would have made no difference if he had died. He is in jeopardy of losing his family being many thousands of miles away from them, his girlfriend could leave him for someone who is making a better living in Honduras and would be able to be there to help raise their kids.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Employee Relationship Management
Employee Relationship Management Assignment 1 Trade Union In Jharkhand Jharkhand Krantikaari Mazdoor Union JKMU Submitted by P. Lokeshwari S. Shahana Devi Jharkhand Krantikaari Mazdoor Union In JulyJKMUorganised a totality of 220 contract workers in a newly established private steel grind owned by Electro poise Casting Ltd. 40 kms from Bokaro. All 500 workers employed in the plant ar local workers. 100 workers services were terminated for participating in union formation activities. JKMUorganised a dharna and blockades with the help of local villagers and forced attention to reinstate all workers.The Deputy Labour Commissioner also put nip on management to take back the workers or else the factory license would be cancelled. The newly formed union held meetings with theALCon 2nd & 10th July and submitted take in notice to management. In April-May in Bokaro Power Supply Co. Pvt. Ltd. (a joint venture betweenSAILandDVC)JKMUhas a union of 500 contract workers. There are multipl e unions in the plant, but theJKMUunion members in the helper category who had been struggling for a year for implementation of minimum wages and other benefits at last boycotted payment for 10 days.The action ended with implementation of their demands by the contractor and payment of minimum wages was done in the presence of management and union representatives. The Jharkhand Krantikaari Mazdoor Union (JKMU) has been struggling for many years demanding constant status for all workers on contract in perennial jobs in the Bokaro Steel Plant. TheJKMUhas been made a member of the Jharkhand State Contract Labour Advisory Board and the Jharkhand State Engineering Industries Wage Board. This is a rare incident as it is usually authorized that only central trade unions are made members of such state level boards.More than 90% of contract workers in the power sector are straightaway members ofJKMU. Recent Struggles 1. In Bokaro steel plant, contract and casual workers are not given(p) quarters and had been living in slums. High Court has now given orders for encroachment, which would then lead to the demolition of these structures. SP and other district officials were gheraoed by workers. JKMUhad given a strike notice in 16-17 May 2011. Meetings were held everywhere and contract workers were mobilised in huge numbers. An application was also submitted simultaneously to the Regional Labour Commissioner (RLC) for rehabilitation of these workers.RLCasked for quarters to be built and management finally accepted the demands for building permanent structures. 2. In July 2009JKMUorganised a union of 220 contract workers in a newly established private steel factory owned by Electro Steel Casting Ltd. In this unit 100 workers were terminated for participating in union activities. JKMUorganised a dharna and several blockades with the help of local villagers and forced the management to reinstate all workers. The union could also force the Deputy Labour Commissioner exerci se his power on the management to reinstate the workers with the threat to cancel the factory license.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Ancient Civilization Of Mesopotamia
According to some archaeologists, the ancient civilization of Mesopotamia had its first settlements dating back since 10,000 BCE. Due to this, it is considered as superstar of the birthplace of civilizations. Mesopotamia was also known as the country between two rivers. (Chilvers, 2007) These two rivers that surrounded this fertile land were the Tigris and the Euphrates. I believe that both rivers were unity of the significant environmental factors that contri hardlyed to the development of the ancient civilization known as Mesopotamia. (Hollar, 2011) The Tigris and Euphrates rivers start disclose in the mountains of Armenia.They are almost parallel to each some other until they merge creating the Shatt al-Arab waterway which then empties to the Persian Gulf. The southern parts of these rivers are calmer, witnessed by the fertile soil that it produces. The Tigris is considerably shorter than the Euphrates, but was found to be to a greater extent of importance commercially due to it being deeper. Bigger boats were equal to travel here compared to the flat-bottomed ones that passed through the Euphrates. (Chilvers, 2007) The great deals of this region greatly dep finish and benefited from these rivers.It produced a land for them to be able to thrive and survive. The earliest of these peoples were known as the Sumerians. The Sumerians relied heavily on the Tigris and Euphrates rivers for their agriculture and irrigation needs. They created a system that included cultivating and shopping. Along with proper irrigation and organized labor, they were able to take advantage of the fertile land. By doing this, they were able to produce a surplus of food that enabled them to stay in one place rather than migrating to contrary regions.They produced crops such as wheat and barley on a large scale. With the massive production of crops, not only did they film enough to feed themselves but they also had enough that enabled them to start on the domestication of anima ls. They raised different kinds of animals, but mainly sheep and cattle. They were able to use these animals not just a bug of food, but for other survival needs as well, such as wool for clothing. Plenty of fishes were also caught from these rivers. With the surrounding waters, the land also provided clay which gave them the natural to create pots and vases.The peoples of Mesopotamia depended heavily upon these rivers. Without them, their ways of survival would have been different. (Chadwick, 2005) B. The process of diffusion of potato was very(prenominal) important in the early days of human societies. diametrical varieties of potatoes were first discovered about 14,000 years ago by early South Americans. There were originally 235 different species of potatoes. It wasnt until one specific typewrite was found that the people realized how valuable potato can be.It was around 10,000 BCE that the S.tuberosum species of potato was discovered and domesticated by farmers from the An des Mountains. The fertile soil and weather conditions of the Andes Mountains do it possible for the plants optimal growth. With the summer days and cold nights, they found out different ways to plant and grow potatoes. This led them to discover several varieties that ended up migrating to different societies. (Smith, 2011) By 1200 CE, the Inca Empire civilization was able to grasp the ways of the initial Andeans way of growing and planting potatoes.(Smith, 2011)Peoples of the Andean culture were absent-minded into the Inca Empire. They were able to teach the ways that their ancestors have done in the past to grow and domesticate potatoes. After the potato arrived in the Inca Empire, it became their most important crop. With spacious lands, they grew and cultivated potatoes extending from what is now known as the southern part of Columbia to the central part of Chile. (Smith, 2011) Due to the massive production of potatoes, they had to find ways on how to be able to store and kee p them from spoiling.With enough searching, they were able to discover a technique of freezing and drying potatoes. These were called chuos. Because of this process, they were able to save food from the quantifys of famine. Workers from this decree were required to build storage houses to store all the chuos. In the year of 1532, the Spanish Conquistadores conquered the Inca Empire which led to further transmission and replication. (Smith, 2011) Today, the potato is a very important to our societys diet as it was when the Andeans first discovered it.This would have not been possible if it wasnt for the process of diffusion. C. Throughout the centuries, there have been many geographical and environmental factors that have affected the development and expansion of the United States. Two of these factors which greatly shaped this country to what it is today are the calcium Gold Rush and the Dust Bowl. The California Gold Rush began in January 24, 1848, when a man named James Marshall discovered gold alongside the American River which is located at present-day Sacramento.He then tells his boss, John Sutter, regarding his discovery. John Sutter tried to keep it as a secret, but people eventually found out and the word traveled. The word kept spreading until it reached the town of San Francisco. Reports were then published in a San Francisco based newspaper, The California Star. (California Historical Society, 2011) After some time passed, words have circulated to the eastern part of the United States. These series of events kicked off the migration of people to head west on a chance to be coming wealthy.It wasnt only the people of the United States that was enticed with this discovery, but people from all over the world flocked to California. They came from different nations such as China, Australia, and Mexico, which is only a few of many. In 1849, there were ninety-thousand gold seekers that have taken different routes by land or water to reach California. The population of less than 25,000 just before 1849 grew to 223, 856 coming from a special census in 1852. (Udall & Emmons, 2003) Due to this population growth, California was pronounced as the 31st state of the United States.Before 1931, the fields of the Great Plains in the United States have always been a welcoming place for farmers. It wasnt until that summer that a drought came leaving the land very dry. The main crop wheat that grew here started dying due to the prolonged drought. With the growing winds, the once productive Great Plains has turned into a disaster that is waiting to happen. This became known as the Dust Bowl. (Soomo, 2013, The Dust Bowl) When the Dust Bowl started, about half a million Americans were forced to stay indoors and left with no choices because breathing has wrick difficult.Winds would reach up to a hundred miles per hour. (Soomo, 2013, The Dust Bowl) For the ones who went outside, especially children, they were required to wear face protection such as masks to cover their faces. This went on for years. The ones who were not able to cope up and live daily like this had to migrate and abandon what they had in the Great Plains. By 1940, about 2. 5 million people left to other parts of the United States. About 200,000 moved to California. (Worster, 1979, 2004) The Dust Bowl was considered as one of the largest migration in American history.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Mining Group Gold Process Essay
archeological site Group Gold ProcessIntroduction In the present, administrational success is based on participative and collaborative team building among the engaged individuals. The ostensible continuous impulsion is the driver of success and ensures the establishment of team plant within a theme as well as adoption of strategies that are in line with a projects goals, objectives, mission and vision. In fact, teams of individuals in an organization have something that acts as the success motivator and the desire to achieve is instilled into them through the creation of significant conflicts within the departments. Some of the individuals for the very first time conglutination as new group members while some others joined earlier into high performance groups. All this happen along with the issues of proper planning and effective focusing is the issue of improvised work assemblages that indeed are placed together to accomplish some of the specific activities in the shortest way possible. Essentially, for the success of an organizational group, steadfast departmental meetings are normally called on for frequently on regular basis, either weekly or monthly (Whyte, 1997). The set expectations and perceptions that lead to the taking up and initiation of these meetings are that for success to be realized a common reached consensus must be undertaken. In this case, the Mining Group Gold method plays the close important role in facilitation of such meetings. The Mining Group Gold is a group handle as well as a meeting management method that is build upon a sole endeavor. That is, the branch is based on influencing the collective wisdom, ideas and experience of each individual in a group in order to build on their abilities and improve on the overall meeting process as well as improving on the process of creating general organizational decisions (Cassidy & American Society for readying and Development, 1999). The method was developed in the year 1995. Ne vertheless, the method was developed to assist individual teams and groups to maximize and capitalise on their joint effort in a decision-making event. The method is based on several locomote that were developed in the 1995 by Kayser.Kaysers Steps to Mining Group Gold In his creation of the Mining Group Gold an endeavor to facilitate effective meeting management, Kayser suggested that every meeting should start with a clear purpose or agenda for discussion. Kayser argued that every meeting has a purpose of either sharing some information or discussing an agenda. In other words, at this measure entails the process of outlining the basic objectives and laying mess the aims of the meeting prior to the allocation of responsibilities t be observed during the meetings course. The first step creates a foundation for the establishment of the second step. Most importantly, the second step is implicated with the predictable results of the meeting by the stakeholders in the meeting. Essent ially, the desirable results are indite overpower and serve as the guiding principles as well as the framework under which the meeting is controlled. Moreover, the third step is concerned with the allocation of responsibilities that is the facilitator, the timekeeper, the overseer and the scribe. The individuals quoted higher up serve as the controllers of the meeting and are responsible with keeping the meetings agenda rolling (Whyte, 1997). In Mining Group Gold process, the ordinal step is the step of setting of the agenda, which is a wide-ranging statement of the chief objectives of the meeting, and it is the step that connects the objectives of the meeting with the anticipatable results. The last and the most significant step is the step concerned with the organization and allotment of time for each agenda. Inherently, the Mining Group Gold is a process that is very effective for all and in all types of proceedings of a meeting. In fact, the process encourages efficient fac ilitation and management of meetings (Cassidy & ASTD, 1999).Steps for dealing with emotions during meetings In the course of a meeting, there are well set steps that assist in dealing with emotions when meetings are in progress. The first step that plays a vital role is concerned with the creation of a moment of allay to create room for relaxation. During the moments of silence, individuals are given a chance to reflect on the probable consequences of letting such emotions control them hence cooling down to the positive extreme. The second step involves writing down the emotions in form of objectives because they can be used later to create teams empowerment foundation. The third step involves the facilitator whereby he or she asks every member to read out what they have written. The fourth and the last step is the step of mining of the supplementary information that arises from what has been written ( bolt out Corporation, 1985). Lastly, the way forward is established to significa ntly improve teamwork hence empowering the group members alongside nurturing an effective communication.My opinion In my own opinion, if the Mining group atomic number 79 is effectively implemented, it will critically improve the welfare of the team members promoting team work as well as fostering empowerment and effective communication. This is because of the processs ability to create like-mindedness and its nature of encouraging unity of direction. Finally, because the Mining Group Gold upholds objectivity by eliminating subjectivity it creates a collective purpose for any meeting session hence determining the outcomes. In conclusion, the Mining Group Gold is an effective method because it deals with expressive astuteness.ReferencesCassidy, M. F., & American Society for Training and Development (ASTD). (1999). Group decision-making. Alexandria, VA American Society for Training & Development.Whyte, W. F. (1997). Creative problem solving in the field Reflections on a career. Walnu t Creek AltaMira Press.Xerox Corporation., & Xerox Corporation. (1985). Mining group gold A guide providing facilitation techniques, tips, checklists and guidesheets. Rochester, NY Multinational Customer and Service Education.Source document
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Hospitality Industry Knowledge
Hospitality Industry Knowledge 1. List six sources of current perseverance teaching Media Such as newspapers, television, magazines and radio. The media publicises current information, trends developing and some(prenominal) regimen initiatives. Customers By doing client questionnaires this can inform enterprises as to what they need to improve, as well as which staff ar working well. Information receipts For example the Australian Bureau of Statistics and tourism NSW (all these services are provided by the government) and provide a whole range of issues within the fabrication. Internet Sites such as The World Tourism Organisation (WTO) provide information on environmental issues and trends frequently. Anyone can publish anything on the internet, so it is important to check that the information sourced is conjectural and correct. Industry Journals (Also known as trade magazines) are not available from local industries and usually require a subscription, as they are extreme ly valuable sources of current information. Within the either national / international journals hospitality positions are advertised, trends are addressed and practices of various enterprises are shown. Training courses May either be on-site or off-site, and provide the opportunity for staff to experience specific training in a chosen area. 2. Differentiate between primary and secondhand sources of information A primary source is when information is gathered first hand, whereas secondary source is when the information is gathered from a source that has already conducted the research. 3. Indentify the radical research skills that are required when researching It is important to recognise that the source is credible and that it is of relevance. . List three channels that may be used to disseminate information once collected Media, Internet and customers. 5. Explain the importance of updating hospitality industry knowledge Updating hospitality industry knowledge ensures quality ser vice is maintained and the customers needs are incessantly being met. 6. Analyse recent government initiatives affecting the hospitality industry Government initiatives are acts by the government that result in a number of impacts on the industry. Promoting Australias image overseas In campaigns such as where the bloody funny farm are you? and Australia week in the USA and enhances Australians quality of life as well as boosting tourism in regional areas. Australian tourism industry Over $600 million was allocated to the Australian tourism industry in the 2004/05 federal budget. The government set up a new body in 2004, Tourism Australia, having $120 million allocated to the body in 2004 in order to trade Australia internationally as a holiday destination over the following years.To market tourism within regional areas of Australia, an extra $45 million was allocated. The federal government is now taking on apprentices (New Apprenticeships Scheme). This will help with the cost accompanying training new apprentices and offers and encourages employers to take on new enterprises. By introducing these further funds for enterprises, it has also allowed students to take on a part-magazine apprenticeship whilst care school, as well as enabling much flexibility for those wishing to pursue a career in commercial cooking. Obesity This issue has been constantly reported via the media, statistics stating that now over 50% of the Australian population are overweight. This is a result of certain lifestyle changes individuals are now less active, support increase their consumption of fatty/high energy foods, and often resort to fast food because they believe they do not have enough time to cook themselves. The health problems connected to being overweight have placed a lot of pressure on the health system. This has resulted in the government introducing thinking(a) eating campaigns and new school canteen food requirements. Farmer kits Was launched by the Federal Min ister for Tourism in 2003 Farm and Country Tourism on your Property Assessment Tool These kits were for families looking to enter the agricultural tourism industry and enables them to see whether or not their farm is suitable. 7. Explain recent trends in emerging markets and the importance of internet presence for business The Internet has enabled the hospitality industry to access a wider market, allowing budding customers to view the available products and services of antithetic enterprises, and to make a booking online.Internet booking have increased dramatically over the past few years (due to the technically savvy Y-Generation) and has resulted in an increase in competitiveness between hospitality enterprises. 8. Analyse the impact of social issues on the hospitality industry Some enterprises consider to become obscure with the community by doing things such as participating in community fundraising (e. g. providing a complimentary meal) or by contributing left-over food to charities. The obesity pestilent has also caused the hospitality industry to provide healthier menus, so that consumers now have the option of having either fatty or healthier food.Doing so has caused the fountain of the hospitality industry to change, as they are no longer regarded as selling only fatty foods. Racial tensions were a result of the Cronulla Riots in Sydney. A number of businesses were closed down, and when re-opened were not able to operate due to a lack of customers. Due to an increase in intoxication and binge drinking license premises must ensure they do not serve intoxicated people, as intoxicated people are more likely to commit crimes. The government has responded to this by introducing curfews and lockouts within problem areas.They have also raised the price on Alco-pops to discourage young people from drinking excessively. 9. Outline factors that have caused elaborateness within the industry Factors that have caused expansion within the industry include International sporting events lures a large number of short-term visitors Cultural events attract people to specific regions Seasonal influences increased travel during holidays, in particular the Christmas and summer holiday period New liquor licensing laws may encourage more small bars to open Medical tourism hospitality provides forming partnership with hospitals 10.Outline factors that have caused retraction within the industry An oversupply of facilities after the 2000 Sydney Olympics Incidents (such as war on Iraq, tsunami, SARS) resulted in less abroad people travelling to Australia, although inbound tourism did increase Competition among enterprises caused them to slash their prices (reduced profit) World oil prices increased which resulted in airline tickets increasing and households to restrict their extra spending money (due to increased cost in petrol) Rising food prices caused higher menu prices, which may deter customers from dining out Credit crisis 1. Desc ribe current labour issues and their impacts on enterprises Labour turnover Employees left with few hours during the quieter months may choose to leave and find alternative employment. The cost of losing / replacing staff members is quite substantial and costs thousands per employee. Shortage of qualified chefs result of more students staying to year 12 rather than leaving in year 10 Hiring staff with illegal visa statuses Paid unjustly a number of employees in the industry are unaware of their rights and may be paid lower wages 2. Explain technological issues affecting the hospitality industry Has improved the delivery of customer service and impacted on the delivery of training Systems and procedures are now more efficient and has reduced many errors and has enabled service to be provided more timely. intercommunicate skills shortages by allowing individuals to complete training courses in a more flexible environment through registered training organisations on-line.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
The Convenience of Todayââ¬â¢s Technology
Who would cod ever thought that you will be able to communicate with a person, full by typing a letter push press and send all from one location. Todays applied science is more convient, faster, and cost effective. As one of the projects that I have rifleed with for years is preparing the church newsletter, programs, notes, and other resources. In the past we had the manual and then the electric typewriters. When typing and a mistake were made, beforehand the correction ribbon on the electric typewriter, you had to continually hit the back button and retype the correct letter.Your choice of print was very limited with the typewriter. There was no way to do spell check. Every paper had to be carefully proof read by a department of pots. If you were adding a picture to your paper, you had to gamble pictures out of books and they were limited. Once the picture was found it had to be cut out and paste or taped to the paper. In order for someone else to add an oblige to the paper they had to type their part, get it proofread and then transport it to the location of the paper being prepared.In like a shots world we have the technology that allows us to do all printing while sitting in one location. There are different types of programs to choose from to publish the newsletter, program, and other resources You have many different fonts to choose from depending on the type of message you are sending. There are thousands of clipart from cartoon, silhouettes, to any thing you can name to add as an image to your project. After finding the set up that fits your needs you can start your project, you can begin to type in your message in the designated area.To innovate an image, you can go to the clipart or internet to locate the desired image. The computer does the spell check and some grammar checking as well. Usually when a word is misspelled it is punctuate with a squiggly red or green line. Some proofreading is still required but it may not take a team of peop le as in the past. In order from some one else to add a message to the paper being prepared all you need to do is send it to them by email as an attachment.As a downfall to this technology, if everyone is in the same office works with the same programs all will work well. However, if Im working from home on my personal computer and I send it to another person at home, we may be working with different programs. Some people may have older systems while others may be on a up to date system. In conclusion, the convience of todays technology and printing is much easier and faster in this day and time. As the years go on we will be amazed at how technology will advance in the future.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Education and Its Affects Around the World Essay
Education is something that affects all of us as a whole sex activity, race, and want plays a role in direction. As a citizen of the United States of America it is important for us to measure a good education that some of us interest for granite. Gender is crucial in how citizenry view education in the text Philippine Womens College corrects sex miseducation. Professors and education enthusiast ar breaking down the barriers and bias that is associated with gender. Text books in the Philippines show women playing the stay at base role and the father portraying the b contemplate winner role this a form a of bias.Scholars at the Miriam College are working to correct this matter by teaching all female students about stereotypes relating to gender. Students a good deal are shown at a young age to approach matters in a biased waive manner, through this approach both male and female can share duties in the household that were erstwhile delegated to one based on gender. Trained teachers are able to spot the gender difference and equilibrise with materials that are fair for all. Miriam College and its faculty also discuss sexual harassment and a list of new(prenominal) things as swell.What was happening in theWomens Movement and what was being taught in the classroom were two entirely different things. In 1986 Corazon Aquino became the first female president of the Philippines this was in stark contrast of what was being taught. As far as equality for women the Philippines are ranked ninth in the world, with that being said advocates of gender feel that it is best suited to teach and educate when the students are young. Patricia Licuanan president of Miriam College implemented in 2001 gender courses to the curriculum that focuses on equality and quality education for women.Also in 2001 several colleges in the Philippines strike shown interest in providing studies for women as well. Due to the work that has been taken place in the Philippines young wom en are questioning and taking up professions that were once generally associated with men. In the text Lost Generation Fears as boys reject education Professor Reynolds of Plymouth University states that the gender gap is a worldwide phenomenon, not just in the UK or a Welsh one. Research has shown that boys are neglecting school, while girls are less apt(predicate) to drop out of school after 16.A survey showed more girls than boys seek a high education. Studies also show that vocational programs also play a role in why boys need not to seek college versus girls. Boys are also not performing on the same level as girls this factor leads to fewer boys in college. Poverty is a component to lack of education as well in the name Escaping Poverty is possible when there are local opportunities for plurality with initiative. This article shows the stereotypes that are associated with indigence 60,000 people that spread over 15 countries worldwide were surveyed there are a lot of hurd les we must overcome for this to work.People are likely to fall into poverty the field of battle will take preventive measures to ensure people will not make these mistakes. The stereotypes that haunt poverty stricken places is that people are lazy, shiftless, and have no ambition this is not the case. In fact these people surveyed accept responsibility for there actions, and want to better themselves. All of us need local opportunities and kindly net works to ensure that this will not happen on a global front, even if someone works hard to get there selves out of poverty with out help from the community and economic woes this wait on will be pains taking to say the least.Education is factor when combating poverty, we as Americans need to take advantage of our educational system though it may not be the best we are nonetheless a free country and should utilise any and every opportunity we have. Race also plays a vital role in education the text Officials try to improve black ma les academic capital punishment The achievement Ginger Littleton has been a teacher in Northern California for more that twenty years. She has been stumped by the numbers of black males that scored drastically lower than other races in test of achievement.A look at last years test results from grades 1-10 math scores and FCAT were sorted by race. The results showed that 89 percent of albumen third graders were a the catch level, while Hispanics represented 66 percent, and blacks 69 percent but moreover one out of that percentile was a male. 59 percent of Anglos, compared to 33 percent of Hispanics were at the appropriate level. African Americans represent simply 30 percent. This trend increased more by there soph year, Caucasians represent 38 percent, Hispanics 32 percent, and 13 percent of African Americans sustained this level of reading.By this advert many African Americans have stopped going to school by then. The FCAT test of reading shows that only 1 percent of males wer e reading at the 10th grade level, white males scored 7 percent on the same level. African American males results were 0 percent, white males were 8 to 7 percent at levels 4 and 5 of reading. A study was conducted in 2004-2005 Focus on Blacks by The National Education connector labeled the poor standings as the achievement gap and a national crisis.The study showed that African American 17 year old students performed in comparison to 13 year old whites in science. In the math part of the study blacks scored 61 percent below the standards, versus 20 percent of whites in the fourth grade. The results show that African Americans face challenges before they start school. Some of the findings show that it is less father figures and mentors in the African American community, lack of after school programs, and cohesiveness in the family all plays roles in the important decline in education in the black community.There is a saying it takes a crossroads to raise a child the African Ameri can community needs to rebuild it village from the earthing up to eliminate this disparity that runs rampant among so many. As you can have just read there are several factors in ones education it may be a gender problem, a socioeconomic problem, or ones ethnicity may all play a role in the type of education we receive as well as our chances of making it in todays society. We still expire in one of the greatest countries in the world in the end it is up to us to utilize what avenues are available and make the most out of it.
Monday, May 20, 2019
The True Identity
Culture and identity go hand in hand. Everyone has their let identity, but where does that come from? The main contributor to someones identity is the destination they grew up in. Cultures vary in m whatalways different ways. Chinese is a very factual, to the point, respect your elders and family finis, while American culture is much carpe diem, freedom of speech, bigger is better mentality. So as you could imagine someone in China will grow up with a much different identity that someone in America. Someones square identity comes out when youre placed in a station that tests your cultures view of right or wrong.Whether you go with the flow or need to disobey is how you get laid ones authentic identity. Take into account the story Sonnys Blues. The bank clerk of the story, Sonnys brother, views from the time Sonnys a boy that the alley Sonny has elect is the wrong one. THis is because Sonny decides he wants to be a musician and gets into drugs, not the correct view of the culture deems correct. However, through his music Sonny shows his brother how he becomes happy and finally Sonnys brother understands wherefore he went through what he did. They grew up in the same housing project and culture but why did they turn out so differently?Sonny went down the path that he felt would organise him happy, the music. His brother chose to go along with society and join the army, get a career, and then start a family. I feel that Sonny has found his identity long before his brother has. He knows exactly what forms him happy and he goes after that in his own way, breaking free of society and becomes his own man, with his own identity. The narrator goes through the motions and while his brother perchance going down a separate path Sonnys alive and has found himself. His reliable identity comes out when hes on stage.In America we preach the pursuit of happiness intend to go for what you want, allowing your consecutive identity to shine. Whether you choose to take Sonnys route or his brothers, now thats where you find your identity. In Jekylls case, he had split psychealities. Hyde was his bad side and his pure side, which everyone came to know, wasnt what Jekyll really wanted. He wanted to let Hyde out and to do so he had to take drugs, like Sonny did. Jekylls heighten was a proper man but his true identity was what lied beneath him and what he allowed to come up when he conjured up his potion.Letting out this carnage side made Jekyll feel alive, with no remorse of what he was doing. The aliveness he felt was the disregard of his culture and their rules, and this is where he found himself happy. The disobeying Hyde was Jekylls true identity and how he really wanted to feel. Have you ever one day been faced with the probability to break cultures rules and done it? Did you feel exhilarated? Ones identity will never change. When they figure out what the true inner person is that, whether its a naughty person or a great person is w hat step forwards when the person is alone or set with a straining situation.The Jekyll side is what culture wanted to see, but the true identity of Jekyll was the disobeying side of Hyde. Identity now a days in America is being more seen as your image. Identity is everything that you are composed of. Looking at one person you can think you know them, but what do you know? Your Identity is you culture, morals, family, everything that has ever come to shape you to who you are today. What do you know at first glimpse of the hispanic standing in expect of you? He was adopted by two Asians when he was just a baby and now is more assimilated into the asian traditions than any hispanic traditions.In Trying to Find Chinatown, this is almost the exact situation. This short story was wrote to open the eyeball of the reader to see that someone doesnt have to be the person you label them as when first dictated eyes on. Just because a person looks one way their identity has a much deeper m eaning to them than image. Of course your identity for the most part will show up on the outer surface minutely, but who knows what caused you to walk down to the corner store to rob it, or why you jumped in front of that stranger on the bus to save his life jeopardizing your own.Your identity is what drives you to make those decisions. Your culture has a tie to do with that too. Some peoples true identity is to go with what culture deems right or wrong and others do things just in spite of their culture, but for the most part every ones identity reflects the culture they were raise in-in some form. Ones identity must be found by pushing themselves to the limit of what is known. Where they have to make their own decision based purely on the voice inside of them which tells them what to do.Your identity can dissemble itself to let the culture you live in accept you, but at some point if you keep down that too much it could be detrimental to your health, just ask Dr. Jekyll about that one. Dont ever judge a book by its cover because the man you see on the outside, sometimes maybe a very different person inside. People go on missions in search of their true identities, but i feel that the way to find your true identity is to look in the reverberate and ask yourself, what do i base my choices off? Do i go with the flow of my culture or am i a stand alone type person. Only you can know the answer of your true identity.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Environmental Effects of Fast-Food Essay
The primary intent What Is thorough Agriculture? of extreme market-gardening is to optimize the health A and productivity of interdependent tally to the National Organic Standards Board (NOSB) of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), organic agriculture is an ecological issue management system that promotes and enhances biodiversity, biological cycles, and lubricating oil biological activity. It is based on minimal use of off-farm inputs and on communities of management practices that restore, maintain, or enhance ecological harmony.The soil life, plants, rimary goal of organic agriculture is to optimize the health and productivity of animals, and people. interdependent communities of soil life, plants, animals, and people. (NOSB, 2003) Though the term organic is defined by law (see jural section on pages 3 and 4), the terms internal and eco-friendly are not. Labels that contain those terms may demand some organic methods were used in the return of the food stuff but do not batten complete adherence to organic practices as defined by a law. Some products marketed as natural may have been produced with synthetic or manufactured products (those not onsidered to be organic), such as natural beef.Farming without tion statistics in the United States the use of petroleum-based chemicals (USDA-ERS, 2002). This census, conductare young people (fertilizers and pesticides) was the sole ed in 2002, identified U. S. farmers who and college-educated option for farmers until after World War reported 2. 5 million acres of res publica II. The war brought with it technologies dedicated to organic production. This consumers. that were useful to agricultural producfigure probably under-represents current tion.For example, ammonium nit respect production because many organic farmused for munitions during World War II ers produce their products organically, volved into ammonium nitrate fer tilizer but apportion less than $15,000 per year and are exempt organophosphate nerve gas production led to the from inspection (see Organic Certification), or do development of powerful insecticides. These technot label their product as organic and, in general, nical advances since World War II have resulted in are direct marketing to a local anesthetic customer. In 1999, significant economic benefits as well as environIowa farmers reported 150,000 acres of organic noetic and social detriments. Organic agriculture lopland to the Iowa Department of Agriculture and seeks to use those advances that consistently yieldLand Stewardship (IDALS) survey. This affix in benefits, such as new varieties of crops, precision organic acreage in Iowa represents a multiply from agriculture technologies, and more efficient the previous year and a sixfold increase since 1996. machinery, while discarding those methods that The U. S. organic industry continues to grow at have led to negative impacts on society and the a rate of 20 percent annually. Industry esti mates environment, such as pesticide pollution and insect placed it at $10 billion in 2001. The organic industry pest resistance. Organic farming is considered a s a consumer-driven market. According to industry systems approach, where interactions between surveys, the largest purchasers of organic products components (crops, animals, insects, soil) are as are young people and college-educated consumers. weighty as the whole farm itself.Today we are faced with the unique opportunity to Instead of development synthetic fertilizers, organic take advantage of a growing market demand and farmers use crop rotations, cover crops, and comuse the technologies developed over the past 50 post to maintain or enhance soil fertility. Also, years. More and more farmers are interested in nstead of using synthetic pesticides, organic the profitability and environmental benefits that farmers employ biological, cultural, and physical organic systems yield. methods to limit pest expansion and increa se populations of beneficial insects. Geneticallymodified organisms (GMOs), such as herbicideresistant seeds and plants, as well as product ingredients, such as GM-lecithin, are disallowed in organic agriculture because they constitute synthetic inputs and pose unknown risks (see GMO discussion opposite).
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Groupon Case
9-511-094 step up JUNE 13, 2011 SUNIL GUPTA RAY WEAVER DHARMISHTA ROOD Gro oupon n e as of On November 29, 2010, the engineering industry wa buzzing with rumors o Googles bid for group pon, a two-y form-old web b point that pro omoted daily push-down storages leavei y ing deep dis scounts from local merch hants. Google accountly offered at lea $3 billion, eclipsing a r e o ast rival $2 billion bid from Y Yahoo. And as Groupon re a esisted, Goog quickly rai gle ised its offer t as ofttimes as $6 billion. 1 to s Ind dustry expert and financ analysts were sharply divide on Googles mo and Grou ts cial w y ove upons poten ntial determine. A multibillion A n-dollar valua ation for a com mpany that is in a busines with virtua no s ss in liquid ecstasylyy barrie to entry an is younger than my tod ers nd r ddler is preposterous Forrester Research reta analyst Su d, ail uchitra Mulpuru said blun 2 David Kirkpatrick, a former Fort ntly. K nisus magazin columnist, sniffed, Gro ne o upon isnt even a techn nology familiarity, for goo odness sake. Its a discou unter that ha appens to us the se Intern net. 3 Bu others rega ut arded the company highl emphasizi ly, ing its specta acular growt Forbes cro th. wned Group pon the fast test development company ev ver,4 while m media indust veteran a try and journa mention joke t Battel marveled, Ive n forever seen anything like itwe since Goog And ripe as Google la lle s g ell, gle. t apped the Ye el depleted Pages in a fraction of the time, Gr n roupon seems to be on trac to do the sa s ck ame to Googl 5 le. At the end of a frantic week, Groupon surprised m t n gentlemans gentlemany observe by rejecti ers ing Googles offer. Shortl after(prenominal), the company anno ly ounced that it had raised $ $950 million f from private investors, and was d ru mored to be laying the groun ndwork for an sign publ offering.T events pr a lic The rompted a br roader debat intimately whether silicon V completelyeywhic had rece nt seen in truth high valuati te V ch tly y ions for Face ebook, Twitte and Zyn er, ngawas sho owing signs of a nonher b bubble. Jeff Clavier, man naging partn at ner SoftTe VC and a well-known angel inves ech n stor, predicte There m not be a b implosion nevertheless ed, may big(a) n, down the road there will be a bu n unch of blood and tears. 6 d Com mpany Origins Gr roupon, a por rtmanteau of the words group and f coupon, gr rew out of Th Point, an o he online comm munity for col llective action The site hel n. ped hoi polloi p propose and encourage soci campaigns such ial s as com mpany boyco and chari fundraiser Each camp otts ity rs. paigns creato specified i tipping p or its point, the pa articipation le evel that was required befo supporter were called to act. The ti ore rs d ipping achievementur was re _______ _______________ _______________ ________________ _______________ _______________ _______________ ________________ ______ Professo Sunil Gupta an Ray Weaver an Research Asso ors nd nd ociate Dharmishta Rood prep ard th illustration. The auth his hors thank Paul Bu utler for contribu uting to online dat collection.This case was develope from published sources. HBS case are developed solely as the basis f class ta c ed es for discussi ion. Cases are not in ntended to serve as endorsements, sources of primary d s data, or illustrations of effective or ineffective manageme s ent. Copyrig 2011 Presiden and Fel unhopefuls of Harvard College. To introduction copies or request permission to reproduce ma ght nt H T n aterials, call 1-800-5 545-7685, write Ha arvard job School Publishing, Bo oston, MA 02163, or go to www. hbsp o p. harvard. edu/edu ucators.This publica ation may not be d digitized, p calefactiveoco opied, or otherwise reproduced, poste or transmitted, without the permis ed, w ssion of Harvard Bu usiness School. This enumeration is definitive for engross precisely by Boshen Wang in MACC 402 Groupon taught by William Forst er from expansive 2011 to declination 2011. For the exclusive routine of B. WANG 511-094 Groupon designed to allocate the communitys resources completely(prenominal) when a campaign had broad support. It excessively gave advocates of a ca drill an incentive to recruit others. The Point was founded in 2007 by Andrew mason, whence a masters student in public policy at the University of Chicago.When an investor approached him with a funding offer, Mason judged to bring down out of school and focus on the project full-time. only with an audience too slim for denote to sustain it, The Point initially struggled to retrovert revenue. Then Mason noticed that many of the most general campaigns banded consumers together to get volume discounts from retailers. He decided to try pre-arranging similar deals and promoting them on the site for commissions. 7 The experiment was such a success that in November 2008, it was spun off as a violate occupancy, with 27year-old Mason its F ounder and CEO.Two hallmarks of Groupona focus on local merchandisers and a self-imposed restrict to a bingle promotion each twenty-four hour periodwere designed to cope with minimal scale and resources. Mason explained Have a different offer but only one e actually day so our very small community will hitherto be large enough so that if we channel it all into one thing well be able to achieve the critical mass that we need in order to make a success. Thats part of why we went local. It became possible to go around to the the great unwashed in our office building for starters. We kicked it off with just d people that we got signed up on our mailing list. Sales representatives began pitching merchants across Chicago on the idea of promoting their businesses by selling precipitously discounted vouchers for services to Groupons client base. In return, Groupon would take a cut of each bargain. The concept resonated with some(prenominal) business possessors and consumers, and Groupon quickly spread out to other cities, beginning with Boston, New York, and San Francisco. After six months, the company had hang on more than 100 deals and had benefitd 60,000 email subscribers. 9 crusadening and merchandise Groupon Promotions Merchant Profiles and SalesTo generate deals, Groupon initially relied on an inside sales team in Chicago that called on local merchants around the country, stoppage business over the phone and email. Over time, it too began building an outside sales force of score executives based in local markets, starting with large population centers and other cities in which its business had big rapidly. Though Groupon feature a wide variety of businesses, some themes emerged. Services predominated, though deals for harvestings were not uncommon, peculiarly baked goods and other foods.There was a strong emphasis on leisure, entertainment and recreation (Table A), and once in a while on novel experiences such as helicopter tours and exoti c car rentals. Utilitarian services were myopic popular. matchless previous(predicate) flop was pet daycare We learned over time that people enduret want to experiment with who is watching their animal, a company spokesperson explained. 10 2 This account is trustworthy for rehearse only by Boshen Wang in MACC 402 Groupon taught by William Forster from August 2011 to declination 2011. For the exclusive social function of B. WANG Groupon 5 511-094 Table A e Merchan Category Mix nt MCategory C Activities A Dining D Salon & Spa S Merchandise M Membership (e. g. Gym) M touristry T Hotel H % of trade ins 29% 28% 20% 15% 7% 1% 1% address Steve Carpenter, What Makes Groupon Tick, TechCrunch, Ma 2, 2010. Based on analysis of a deals run in Q 2010. s ay d all Q1 A survey cond ducted by mar rketing servic firm Merc ces chantCircle fo ound that loca businesses faced al a vari iety of challen nges in reach hing utilizationer For one th rs. hing, they had very tight b d budgets mo re than e half of the 8,500 bu o usinesses surv veyed spent le than $2,50 on marketi annually. They often lacked ess 00 ing . he expertise to adopt natural-made media and te a m echnologies (Figure A). Consequentl the lure of an ly, outsourced online promotion with no up-fro expense w compellin And comp w ont was ng. pared to tradi itional adver rtising, Group pons impact was relatively easy to obse w y erve and mea asure. Figur A re Local Business Mark B keting Budgets and Preferr Outlets red Facebook or other social me edia pro? le Online yell low pages or local n news site Custom emails mer Blog Print yell low pages Direct mail D Print n newspaper 0% 10% 20% 30% 4 40% 50% 60% 70% commencement MerchantCircl Merchant Con le nfidence king su urvey, February 2 2011.Prepa aring the De eal When a merch hant signed on for a prom o motion, it wo orked with G Groupon to d decide the sp pecific produ or service to be offered and its disco uct d ounted wrong, ordinarily at least 50% of list. As wit The , ff th Point social camp s paigns, the de was valid only if the nu eal umber of defile yers achieved a tipping poi set int by the merchant. Other terms included the vouchers ex e O xpiration date and, in som cases, lim on e me mits 3 This document is accepted for hire only by Boshen Wang in MACC 402 Groupon taught by William Forster from August 2011 to celestial latitude 2011. For the exclusive design of B. WANG 11-094 Groupon individual or come purchases. Groupons standard agreement was a 50/50 split of voucher revenues, but merchants sometimes negotiated better terms. Groupons editorial staff wrote advertising copy to promote each offer. Their descriptions were intended to be entertaining as well as informative, often striking an irreverent and offbeat tone. angiotensin-converting enzyme early deal for a Swedish massage, for example, was accompanied by a FAQ that read Q Where is Sweden? A Sweden is a synodic month colony where aliens pretend been teachi ng American astronauts advanced massage technique for hundreds of years. Q What is so special about a Swedish massage?A First of all, the technique comes from outer space. Second of all, it is very advanced. Finally, it relieves the bole of lots of stress. Q How big are the masseuses hands at Lincoln Park Massage? A unafraid question, for hand size is extremely important in massage. Theyre a size 25 on average. Q Thats not like, disgustingly large monster hands, is it? A No, thats just a little above average for humans. Perfect for masseuses. Q Theres gotta be a catch. Where is the fine print? A There is no fine print. Here are the completely reasonable stipulations on todays deal in totally normal size print.The deal terms, ad copy and an concomitant photograph were then assembled for online presentation (see Exhi molybdenum 1 for an example, and viewing 2 for representative deals in selected cities). Groupon plan promotions according to merchant preferences, though it sometim es committed only to a launch window alternatively than a specific date. Running the Deal Consumers signed up at Groupon. com to get their citys daily deals, and could request notifications via email, Facebook or Twitter feeds. Each deal was stick on online at midnight outgoing alerts followed in the early morning.Most Groupons were available for purchase for only 24 hours, and a virtual hourglass counted down the rest time. The deal page also showed a running tally of vouchers interchange doneout the day. Groupon processed consumers online transactions, then paid out the merchants cut of the revenue in three equal installments 5, 30, and 60 days later. Online accounts contained each subscribers available Groupons, which could be printed in advance or presented to the merchant on a smartphone. Groupons for online stores included a unique code to be entered at checkout.Although the vast absolute majority of Groupons featured local businesses, national brands were occasionally p romoted with deals that were coordinated across cities. Groupon ran its first such deal in August 2010 with The Gap, offering $50 worth of merchandise for $25. It was a huge hit, generating $11 million on sales of 445,000 units. 11 Subsequent offers from Nordstrom Rack and Barnes & Noble were even more popular. And in February 2011, a deal touting new routes on Virgin America sold out in eight minutes. 12 These big promotions generated buzz that increased Groupons brand awareness and motivated new customers to sign up. This document is authorized for use only by Boshen Wang in MACC 402 Groupon taught by William Forster from August 2011 to declination 2011. For the exclusive use of B. WANG Groupon 511-094 Groupon Subscribers Marketing Groupon to Consumers Many people first learned about Groupon when friends or family alerted them to deals through email and social media. To hike this word of mouth, Groupon gave customers $10 toward a future purchase for each referral. 13 It also se t up an affiliate marketing weapons platform for bloggers and websites to earn commissions of up to 15% on referred traffic. 4 Facebook and Twitter were Groupons top referring sites, accounting for 44% and 8% of traffic respectively in January 2010. 15 Groupon also got precaution for a contest in which one customer was challenged to Live Off Groupon for an entire year. This Groupawn would be provided an limitless supply of Groupons for things to eat, do, and buy across America, but could not spend any cash. If successful, he would win a $100,000 prize. Several hundred hopefuls applied, and 28-year-old Chicagoan Josh Stevens was chosen as the winner. Stevens began the challenge in May 2010, posting updates and pictures in various social media along the way. 6 Over time, Groupon began supplementing these efforts with paid advertising, spending heavily on Google AdWords and AdSense. And in February 2011, the company launched its first TV campaign with a extremely Bowl ad, for which each spot terms a reported $3 million. 17 The campaign tried to capture Groupons quirky aesthesis of humor, but became a lightning rod for controversy. Each spot featured a celebrity who first appeared to be promoting a social or political cause, then segued into a Groupon endorsement. Actor Timothy Hutton, for example, intoned The people of Tibet are in trouble. Their very culture is in jeopardy.But they still whip up an unspeakable fish curry. And since 200 of us bought at Groupon. com, were getting $30 of Himalayan food for just $15 at a Himalayan restaurant in Chicago. Many people took offense, accusing Groupon of trivializing and exploiting the Tibetans plight. Although Groupon was the second-most mentioned superintendent Bowl advertiser in online discussions, much of the conversation was unflattering negative sentiment spiked from 10% in January to 60% the day after the game. 18 virtuoso viewer tweeted, Groupon seems to halt achieved the unique feat of paying $3M to los e customers who previously loved them. 19 Mason initially defended the campaign as tongue-in-cheek, but when criticism persisted, he decided to pull the ads. 20 Consumer Response Groupon became very popular among a customer base that tended to be young, well-educated, unmarried, and relatively affluent. Over three-fourths of subscribers were women (Exhibit 3). Consumers enth utilise not only about the money Groupon salvage them, but also about its convenience, variety, and other benefits. I Love Groupon From my first purchase, I have been hooked. I have purchased several(prenominal) Groupons and have never had a problem redeeming them.The merchants have always been grateful of my participation in the Deal. 21 I think Ive gained weight trying all the restaurant and bakery deals But thats where the cycling and exercise deals come in, along with some pampering specials. Im on a wellbalanced Groupon diet 22 5 This document is authorized for use only by Boshen Wang in MACC 402 Groupon taught by William Forster from August 2011 to celestial latitude 2011. For the exclusive use of B. WANG 511-094 Groupo on Groupon al llows me to give way even d nts/activities in NYCIm a tourist in my phratrytow m wn 2 th hanks to this savvy group. 3 s Redem mptions typic cally began with a big su w urge in the f first month a after a deal w run, the was en declined to a fairly stea t ady, lower rat and finally spiked again shortly befo expiration (Figure B). te, y n ore n Figure B Typical Gro oupon Redem mption Pattern n Source Me erchant Welcome Guide, downloa e aded from www w. groupon. com/p pages/day-of-yo our-feature. But so ome vouchers were never used. Buye sometime reported fe s r ers es eeling Grou upon remorse e when offe that had seemed irresi ers s istible became less appeal ling in retrosp pect.One Ch hicago residen nt recalled th hinking, Wh doesnt wa a Segway tour? as he spent $160 for four ascertain ho ant y e kets, only to let them expire because he never got around using them. And a Boston wom with $25 in voucher h a g man 50 rs from vario group bu ous uying sites lam mented, Ther just isnt en re nough time in the day to d it all. I mad n do de a spreads sheet, and its so sad, the eyre all com ming due. Gr roupon didn disclose no t on-redemptio on rates, but various estim mates put the number betw e ween 10 and 30 percent. 4 Many state l laws, howeve er, stipulated that vouchers could be re d edeemed for their purchas impairment after e t se expiration, of ften for several years. Th remedy was explaine on Group his w ed pons websit though it was unclea how man te, t ar ny consumer were aware of it. rs e protect to Merchan t nts Positive Reactions R Many merchants he eartily endors Groupon for its ability to raise awa sed y areness, increa traffic, an ase nd 25 acquire ne customers Among them was Gerric Adachi, ow ew s. ck wner of Aiea G Grill in Portla and, Oregon2 The concept is sheer mentality The web-s e s. avvy, interac ctive fo rmat is so well th hought out forwar and backw rds wards. Who ever heard of acquiring 51 new, quali customers in one day e f 16 ity with no money up expect? You were also righ about the G n w ht Groupon mem mber being a high grade custom mer, operatin at a sop ng phistication level far ab bove that o the typic of cal engagement hunter r/coupon cutter. Bill Ra aupp of San Diego Desserts concurred There is cle D early no othe program th creates th er hat his brand aw wareness, with a positive direct effect to my lav line.Groupo far outweighs any othe h d o m on er 26 advertisin or free adv ng vertising prog gram out there e. 6 This document is authorized for use only by Boshen Wang in MACC 402 Groupon taught by William Forster from August 2011 to December 2011. For the exclusive use of B. WANG Groupon 511-094 American Apparel ran a popular deal in which it offered $50 worth of clothing for $25, selling 133,000 vouchers. Afterwards, a company insider listed several positive effec ts. First, customers spent an average of $20 above the vouchers face value when cashing in the deal. The promotion also attracted many new customers The killer was email address acquisition. We converted virtually 25% of in store redemptions into signing up for our email list which is on track to generate an additional five to six figures in online revenue. Finally, American Apparel negotiated a contract that gave Groupon much much less than half of the voucher revenue. 27 Negative Reactions Despite such enthusiasm, Groupons effect on merchant profitability was hotly debated.One wellpublicized critique came from the proprietor of Posies Bakery and Cafe, who called using Groupon the single worst decision I have ever made as a business owner I told the Groupon sales representative we would have to get at least 50% to cover our costs of product. What I didnt think clearly enough about was that that margin we mark up is what covers all of our other costs like staff, rent, utilities, e tc. Our overhead is nigh $25,000/month, and this decision was about to make it so that we didnt cover any of those other costs. We met many, many wonderful new customers, and were so happy to have them join the Posies family.At the same time we met many, many terrible Groupon customers customers that didnt follow the Groupon rules and used multiple Groupons for single transactions, and argued with you about it with disgusted looks on their faces, or who tipped based on what they owed (10% of $0 is zero dollars, so tossing in a dime was to them being generous). After three months of Groupons coming through the door, I started to see the results really hurting us financially. There came a time when we literally could not make payroll because at that point in time we had lost nearly $8,000 with our Groupon campaign. 28 U.S. Toy, a retailer in Kansas City, was also unsatisfied. It offered $20 worth of merchandise for $10, half of which went to Groupon. nodes snapped up 2,800 coupons, but managers became reject by their shopping patterns. Co-CEO Jonathan Freiden said, It didnt drive in new people, and the people that were coming in didnt spend even our average sale. It was just sad. He estimated that U. S. Toy lost money on three-quarters of the transactions, and that 90% of purchasers were existing customers. 29 Profit Drivers It became clear that the success of any particular daily deal depended on a ariety of factors, including the mix of new versus existing customers, upside spending at the time of redemption, and success in converting discount buyers into regular customers. Several surveys tried to measure these and assess merchant satisfaction, often with contrasting results (Table B). b a American Apparels gross profits averaged 53% of sales, according to MSN Money. b Customer mix was not measured in any of these surveys. It was believed to vary widely, but a common assertion was that half of Groupon buyers were new customers. 7This document is authoriz ed for use only by Boshen Wang in MACC 402 Groupon taught by William Forster from August 2011 to December 2011. For the exclusive use of B. WANG 511-094 Groupon Table B Merchant Surveys about Experiences with Groupon and Other free-and-easy Deals Merchant Responses Not reported 80 150 1,568 Promotional Partner(s) Groupon Groupon and others Groupon Groupon and others Spending Over Face Value avg redeemer spent 60% over face value Not asked 41% of redeemers exceeded face value Not asked % of Redeemers Who Made 1+ Repeat Visit 22% 19% 25% Not asked % of Merchants Who Would Run another(prenominal) Deal 95% 93% 57% 45%Source Groupon Yipit daily deal collector Rice University marketing prof. MerchantCircle Sources www. grouponworks. com/why-groupon Ian Sherr, Online Coupons Get Smarter, The Wall Street Journal, August 25, 2010 Jim Moran, Local Social Commerce The fit of Group Buying, blog. yipit. com, August 19, 2010 Utpal Dholakia, How Effective Are Groupon Promotions for Business? , kinsfolktember 28, 2010 MerchantCircle Merchant Confidence Index survey, February 2011.One cartoonist, poking fun at business owners potential naivete, summed up the dilemma this way while Groupon may bring in lots of customers, merchants might lose money on every sale (Exhibit 4). Groupon, however, argued that poor outcomes were rare 95% of merchants it surveyed were satisfied with their Groupon experience, and 96% would recommend it to others. 30 And in August 2010, the company reported a waiting list of 35,000 businesses. 31 Aggressive Growth Encouraged by its early success, Groupon expanded rapidly, replicating its pose in new markets. By the end of 2009, the company operated in about 30 U.S. and Canadian cities, and business seemed to be booming in nearly every location (see Exhibit 5 for a sample). In 2010, Groupon set its sights on foreign territories, primarily by acquiring companies that had copied its model in their home countriesfirst in Western Europe, then South Amer ica, then Asia and elsewhere. The pace of this expansion was perhaps scarce a little more than two years after its founding, Groupon had operations in more than 500 markets in 43 countries (Table C). One media outlet marveled, We cant think of a companyeverthat is so aggressive about going international so big, so fast. 32 The urgency was dictated in part by the sense that an early mover could establish a lasting advantage. But some observers questioned Groupons ability to leverage its brand and experience overseas. 8 This document is authorized for use only by Boshen Wang in MACC 402 Groupon taught by William Forster from August 2011 to December 2011. For the exclusive use of B. WANG Groupon 511-094 Table C Groupons Expansion Date Nov 08 Mar 09 Jun 09 Sep 09 Dec 09 Mar 10 Jun 10 Sep 10 Dec 10 Mar 11 Countries 1 1 1 1 1 1 18 29 35 43 Cities 1 2 7 18 28 40 150 230 300 500 Subscribers (Worldwide) Savings to Datea (North America) 50k 700k 1. 7M 3M 6M 13M 50M 60M $4. 5M $18M $42M $10 0M $285M $400M $900M a Aggregate consumer savings on Groupons sold in North American markets. Aggregate worldwide savings were $1,800M as of frame in 2011. Source Compiled from company press releases archived at www. groupon. com/press. These acquisitions were funded in part by several rounds of venture capital financing $30 million in December 2009, $135 million in April 2010, and $950 million in January 2011. As a result of its efforts, Groupons revenue exploded from $33 million in 2009 to $760 million in 2010. 33 Still, significant upside remained only 6. % of respondents to the MerchantCircle survey had run a Groupon promotion, with another 13% planning to do so in the coming months. And the local advertising market was estimated at $100 billion in the U. S. alone. 34 Growing Pains Groupons growth created significant management challenges, not least of which was the raising and integration of newly hired and acquired personnel. The company ended 2010 with over 4,000 employees, up from just 120 the year before. 35 By comparison, Facebooks employee count was less than 100 after two years in business, and around 2,000 in early 2011.This environment occasionally contributed to service failures and other snafus. One Groupon in Yokohama, lacquer marketed home delivery from a local restaurant of osechi, a traditional New Years meal. Demand overwhelmed the business, and many osechi sets arrived late or in poor condition. In response, Mason posted an apologia on YouTube, conceding that his company had really messed up. Customers were given refunds and credited 5,000 yen toward future purchases. 36 Another incident involved an FTD Valentines Day promotion.When browsing FTDs website to redeem their purchases, customers noticed flower arrangements with sale prices (for which their vouchers werent valid) below the Groupon discounted price. near accused FTD of overstating its retail prices to make the offer seem more attractive. FTD and Groupon denied this and cal led the station a misunderstanding. Again, refunds were offered to the affected customers. 37 Groupons also sometimes adversely affected a merchants regular patrons, as one customer expressed in an online vent I go to a Sushi bar who has offered a Groupon promotion.When I arrive there, I encounter a busy, under-staffed, ran-out-of-menu items restaurant where my full price is subsidizing the half-off diners who have destroyed a perfectly fine business for the beside few days after the 9 This document is authorized for use only by Boshen Wang in MACC 402 Groupon taught by William Forster from August 2011 to December 2011. For the exclusive use of B. WANG 511-094 Groupon Groupon offer. It works for merchandise. For services, a Groupon success is a curse for regular customers/patrons. 8 To still such problems, Groupon undertook a variety of measures, notably the expansion of its customer service organization to 1,000 employees. The company also rolled out new services to help mercha nts run promotions smoothly, including a capacity planning appliance and a smartphone app for voucher verification and redemption. 39 Widespread Competition For all Groupons acclaim as a web darlingmedia had hailed it as the next web phenom40 and the it digital phenomenon of the moment41the operation was at its core remarkably simple. Groupon neither held inventory nor carried out fulfillment, relying instead on its merchant partners.Much of the technology requiredemail broadcasting, transaction processing, and a website that was fairly basic by wind vane 2. 0 standardswas mature and fairly cheap. In principle, nearly any organization with a customer database and a business sales function could offer its own daily deals. Accordingly, competitors sprang up in droves, numbering nearly 300 in the U. S. by early 2011. 42 Many closely imitated not only Groupons business model, but its look and feel as well (Exhibit 6). The largest of these rivals was Washington, D. C. -based LivingSoci al.Although significantly smaller than Groupon, LivingSocial was also growth rapidly, and in January 2011 got a big boost by promoting $20 Amazon gift cards at half off. (Amazon had recently invested $175 million in the company. 43) Nearly 1. 2 million customers took the deal. By work on, LivingSocial had 24 million subscribers, and was operating in more than 200 cities across 11 countries. 44 Established e-commerce properties also scrambled to participate in the daily deals phenomenon. Some of these served particular niches, such as OpenTable (restaurants), The Knot (wedding services), and Travelzoo (travel).A cottage industry of aggregators also emerged. These sites sourced no deals themselves, instead collecting and presenting a summary of others offers to earn commissions on referred traffic. But despite the onslaught, Groupon held a domestic market share of over 50%. 45 Some competitors tried to win merchants over by offering lower fees or leveraging other media. One of these was Double Take Deals, launched by Clipper Magazine, Americas largest distributor of local coupon magazines. The owner of Haydn Zugs restaurant in Lancaster, PA, was persuaded. When I learned that Double Take Deals could pay out a higher percentage than Groupon, he said, I was intrigued. But when they offered me a free full-page ad in Clipper Magazine too, it sealed the deal. I knew that was something no one else could offer. 46 But perhaps the biggest panic came from the web heavyweights. Spurned by Groupon, Google began developing a competing service of its own called Google Offers. Industry experts expected Offers to promote deals that were relevant to a consumers current location, tying them to mobile phones and Google Maps (Exhibit 7). 7 Similarly, Facebook launched a location-aware product called Facebook Deals. It offered merchants a menu of promotions to suit different objectives, such as attracting new customers or encouraging repeat visits (Exhibit 8). Groupon 2. 0 To st ay ahead of competitors, Groupon was developing a variety of innovations, sometimes collectively referred to as Groupon 2. 0. One of these was Groupon Stores, which enabled merchants 10 This document is authorized for use only by Boshen Wang in MACC 402 Groupon taught by William Forster from August 2011 to December 2011.For the exclusive use of B. WANG Groupon 511-094 to set up virtual storefronts on Groupons website. From its store, each merchant could launch selfservice deals of its choosing, dictating the number and frequency of offers (Exhibit 9). Groupon took a commission of 10% of sales, rather than its customary 50%, on these promotions. Because this meant that consumers would have access to more than one deal at a time, Groupon created Deal Feed to collect and alter each subscribers current offers. But the reception for these was lukewarm.One industry insider, noting that Groupon had quietly remove the My Deal Feed link from its navigation header, speculated that Groupon Stores was dead on arrival. 48 A more intriguing initiative was Groupon Now. Its visionsimilar to those of Googles and Facebooks new productswas to offer just-in-time, hyper-local promotions on GPS-equipped smartphones. Groupon Now featured a simple two-button interface Im Hungry and Im Bored. The product was still in trials, but Mason made his ambitions clear It makes Googles market look quite small if we get it right.Its really tapping into the largest part of commerce in the U. S. local. 49 Looking Ahead In a little more than two years, Groupon had transformed from an unknown startup into a global opening with 6,000 employees in more than 40 countries. A few months after Groupon turned down Googles $6 billion offer, Bloomberg Businessweek reported that the company was in negotiations with bankers for an initial public offering that could value the company at $25 billion. 50 To some, Groupon appeared to be an unstoppable juggernaut.But detractors rattled off a laundry list of c oncerns. Could Groupon maintain the high fees it extracted from merchants? Would it be able to fight off Google, Facebook, and an army of copycats? Was the daily deals phenomenon a hot fad that would inevitably cool off? Some even questioned Groupons fundamental business model did it deliver lasting value to merchants? Forresters Suchitra Mulpuru warned, Everyone thinks this hyper growth is going to continue. If these merchants come to realize these consumers are not coming back, theyre not going to do more Groupons.And if they dont do more Groupons the whole model falls apart. 51 Andrew Mason was acutely aware of these risks, laying them out in a 2010 year-end internal memo that cautioned his employees against complacency and challenged them to secure Groupons place among the great earnings businesses52 Not only must we continue to beat the thousands of clones who lifted our idea and began at roughly the same time as we did, but now we must also beat the biggest, smartest technolo gy companies in the world. They are coming HARD.If you feel a little like Frodo climbing Mount Doom, you cant be blamed. Is it hopeless? How can we avoid the fate of the Internet darlings before us Yahoo, MySpace, Friendster, AOL that crashed as splendidly as they rose? Companies dont lose to competitors they lose to themselves. MySpace lost to itself, not Facebook. MySpace essentially turn over Facebook the keys to the castle by devolving into a service that wasnt delighting its customers. For whatever reason, it got stuck. It stopped innovating.By this time next year, we will either be on our way to becoming one of the great technology brands that specialize our generation, or a cool idea by people who were out executed and out innovated by others that were smarter and harder working. 11 This document is authorized for use only by Boshen Wang in MACC 402 Groupon taught by William Forster from August 2011 to December 2011. For the exclusive use of B. WANG 511-094 Groupon o E xhibit 1 Example Daily Deal D Source Gro oupon. com. 12 This document is authorized for use only by Boshen Wang in MACC 402 Groupon taught by William Forster from August 2011 to December 2011.For the exclusive use of B. WANG Groupon 511-094 Exhibit 2 Deal Profiles for Groupons Run in Various Cities Median Deal Terms City Austin, TX Boston, MA Charlotte, NC Chicago, IL Kansas City, MO Omaha, NE Phoenix, AZ San Francisco, CA Tampa, FL Vancouver, BC lance Date Sep 2009 Mar 2009 Oct 2009 Oct 2008 Nov 2009 Feb 2010 Aug 2009 Jun 2009 Sep 2009 Apr 2010 Voucher Price $43 $42 $32 $37 $31 $29 $33 $42 $28 $46 Retail Value $110 $109 $86 $94 $90 $85 $96 $106 $82 $116 Tipping Point 59 94 25 one hundred thirty 51 24 37 56 42 54 Months Valid 5. 7 7. 6 7. 7 7. 3 7. 4 6. 6 7. 1 8. 1 7. 7 6. 9Source Compiled by case writers from deals run 10/08 12/10, archived on Groupon. com and ThePoint. com. 13 This document is authorized for use only by Boshen Wang in MACC 402 Groupon taught by William Forste r from August 2011 to December 2011. For the exclusive use of B. WANG 511-094 Groupo on Exhibit 3 Groupon exploiter Demogra U aphics Source http p//www. group ponworks. com/w why-groupon/demographics. e 14 This document is authorized for use only by Boshen Wang in MACC 402 Groupon taught by William Forster from August 2011 to December 2011. For the exclusive use of B. WANG Groupon 511-094Exhib 4 bit A Cart toonists Take e Source Tom Fishburn Marketoonist. com. ne, 15 This document is authorized for use only by Boshen Wang in MACC 402 Groupon taught by William Forster from August 2011 to December 2011. For the exclusive use of B. WANG 511-094 Groupon o Exhibit 5 Quarterly Results in Sel R lected Cities Source Com mpiled by case writers from arch w hived deal results on Groupon. co m and ThePoint s o t. com. 16 This document is authorized for use only by Boshen Wang in MACC 402 Groupon taught by William Forster from August 2011 to December 2011. For the exclusive use of B.WANG Gro upon 5 511-094 Exhib 6 bit Some Competing Daily Deals C D Sources LivingSocial. com, BuyWithM s Me. com, and GiltCity. com. C 17 This document is authorized for use only by Boshen Wang in MACC 402 Groupon taught by William Forster from August 2011 to December 2011. For the exclusive use of B. WANG 511-094 Groupon o Exhibit 7 Sample De from Goog Offers eal gle Source http p//techcrunch. c com/2011/01/25 5/sneak-peak-google-offers/. o 18 This document is authorized for use only by Boshen Wang in MACC 402 Groupon taught by William Forster from August 2011 to December 2011.For the exclusive use of B. WANG Groupon 511-094 Exhib 8 bit Facebo Deals ook Source http//www. f facebook. com/deals/. e 19 This document is authorized for use only by Boshen Wang in MACC 402 Groupon taught by William Forster from August 2011 to December 2011. For the exclusive use of B. WANG 511-094 Groupo on Exhibit 9 Groupon Stores S Source http p//www. group pon. com/merchants/welcome. a 20 This document is au thorized for use only by Boshen Wang in MACC 402 Groupon taught by William Forster from August 2011 to December 2011. For the exclusive use of B. WANGGroupon 511-094 Endnotes Evelyn Rusli and Claire Miller, Google Is Said to Be Poised to Buy Groupon, DealBook, The New York Times, November 30, 1010, http//dealbook. nytimes. com/2010/11/30/google-is-said-to-be-close-to-buyinggroupon/? ref=grouponinc, accessed December 2010. Evelyn Rusli and Jenna Wortham, Google Gambit for Groupon Raises Concern, DealBook, The New York Times, November 30, 2010, http//dealbook. nytimes. com/2010/11/30/googles-gambit-for-groupon-raisesconcerns/? partner=rss&emc=rss, accessed December 2010. 3 Tiernan Ray, Does Googles Groupon Deal Make Sense? Barrons, December 4, 2010, http//online. barrons. com/ hold/SB50001424052970204033804575645052537926526. html? mod=BOL_twm_col, accessed December 2010. 4 Christopher Steiner, Meet the Fastest Growing Company Ever, Forbes. com, August 30, 2010, http//www. forbes. co m/forbes/2010/0830/entrepreneurs-groupon-facebook-twitter-next-webphenom_2. html, accessed February 2011. 2 1 John Battelle, Thinking Out Loud Whats Driving Groupon? businessinsider. com, December 19, 2010, http//www. businessinsider. com/battelle-groupon-2010-12ixzz1CGRvk7Sb, accessed February 2011.Jenna Wortham and Evelyn Rusli, A Silicon Bubble Shows Signs of Reinflating, DealBook, The New York Times, December 3, 2010, http//dealbook. nytimes. com/2010/12/03/a-silicon-bubble-shows-signs-ofreinflating/, accessed December 2010. Christopher Steiner, Meet the Fastest Growing Company Ever, Forbes. com, August 30, 2010, http//www. forbes. com/forbes/2010/0830/entrepreneurs-groupon-facebook-twitter-next-webphenom_2. html, accessed February 2011. 8 9 7 6 5 Ibid. Groupon Saves Consumers More Than $1 Million in Less Than Six Months Chicagoans, Bostonians Save Big Using Daily Discount Website, Globenewswire. om, April 22, 2009, http//www. globenewswire. com/ newsroom/news. html? d=163568, accessed February 2011. 10 Daily Deals Dissected Where the Popular Offers are and Who is Buying, mint. com, December 24, 2010, http//www. mint. com/blog/trends/groupon-12142010/, accessed February 2011. 11 Wailin Wong, Gaps Groupon Pulls in $11 Million, ChicagoTribune. com, August 20, 2010, http//clauses. chicagotribune. com/2010-08-20/business/sc-biz-0821-groupon-20100820_1_gender-and-zipcode-chicago-startup-coupon-site, accessed February 2011. 12 Owen Thomas, Can Groupon Take to the Skies with its First Airline Deal? venturebeat. com, February 17, 2011, http//venturebeat. com/2011/02/17/groupon-virgin-america/, accessed February 2011. 13 New on Groupon Referral Rewards, goupon. com, October 5, 2009, http//www. groupon. com/blog/ cities/new-on-groupon-referral-rewards/, accessed February 2011. 14 Groupon Collective Buying Power, groupon. com, http//www. groupon. com/pages/affiliates, accessed February 2011. 15 Lindsay Steinbach, Do You Groupon? blog. compete. com, March 10, 2010, http//blog. compete. com/2010/ 03/10/do-you-groupon/, accessed February 2011. 16 One Brave Soul.Living only off Groupons, http//liveoffgroupon. com/about/, accessed February 2011. 17 Stuart Elliott, Super Bowl Marketers Try to Score Points, Too, nytimes. com, January 31, 2011. http//www. nytimes. com/2011/02/01/business/media/01adcol. html? _r=1&scp=3&sq=groupon&st=cse, accessed February 2011. 18 Like new customers? Then youll love Groupon, grouponworks. com, http//www. grouponworks. com/, accessed February 2011. 21 This document is authorized for use only by Boshen Wang in MACC 402 Groupon taught by William Forster from August 2011 to December 2011. For the exclusive use of B.WANG 511-094 Groupon Laurie Segall, Groupon Spends Big on Controversial (Tasteless? ) Super Bowl Spots, money. cnn. com, February 7, 2011, http//money. cnn. com/2011/02/06/technology/groupon_superbowl_ad/index. htm, accessed February 2011. Wailin Wong, Groupon Pulls Controversial Tibet Ad, chicagobreakingbusi ness. com, February 11, 2011, http//chicagobreakingbusiness. com/2011/02/groupon-pulls-controversial-tibet-ad. html, accessed February 2011. 21 22 23 20 19 http//amplicate. com/love/groupon, opinion by User-7855g5, posted Jan 27 2011, accessed March 2011. http//www. roupon. com/press, accessed March 2011. Ibid. 24 Beth Teitell, For Coupon Overreachers, a Chance to Recoup, The Boston Globe, March 9, 2011, http//www. boston. com/lifestyle/articles/2011/03/09/market_for_groupon_remors e_allows_users_to_unload _coupons, accessed March 2011. Too Much of a Good Thing? groupon. com, September 16, 2010, http//www. groupon. com/blog/cities/ too-much-of-a-good-thing, accessed February 2011. What do you get with Groupon that you dont get anywhere else? grouponworks. com, http//www. grouponworks. com/why-groupon, accessed February 2011.William Wei, American Apparel Source Raves about a $3 Million Groupon DealReveals Sales Numbers that Will Erase Ongoing Doubts about Groupon, BusinessInsider. com, December 14, 2010, http//www. businessinsider. com/american-apparel-groupon-2010-12, accessed March 2011. Groupon in Retrospect, posiecafe. com, September 11, 2010 http//posiescafe. com/wp/? p=316, accessed February 2011. Shira Ovide, Groupon Merchant Theres a Flaw in their Business, DealJournal, WSJ. com, January 7, 2011, http//blogs. wsj. com/deals/2011/01/07/a-groupon-customer-speaks-why-groupon-didnt-work-for-me, accessed January 2011. 0 What do you get with Groupon that you dont get anywhere else? grouponworks. com, http//www. grouponworks. com/why-groupon, accessed February 2011. 31 Rolfe Winkler, Groupon Has a Chance to Cash This One In, online. wsj. com, January 24, 2011, http//online. wsj. com/article/SB10001424052748703398504576100203631870050. html? KEYWORDS=groupon, accessed February 2011. 32 Pascal-Emmanuel Gobry, Groupon Buys Up Competitors in Israel, South Africa, and India, businesssinsider. com, January 11, 2011, http//www. businessinsider. com/groupon-snaps-u p-more-internationalcompetitors-2011-1, accessed February 2011. 9 28 27 26 25 Michael Hickins, The Groupon Frodo Memo, WSJ Digits, February http//blogs. wsj. com/digits/2011/02/25/the-groupon-frodo-memo/, accessed March 2011. 33 25, 10, 2011, 2011, Bill Saporito, The Groupon Clipper, Time, February http//www. time. com/time/business/article/0,8599,2047215-1,00. html, accessed February 2011. 35 34 Michael Hickins, Groupon Revenue Hit $760 Million, CEO Memo Shows, The Wall Street Journal, February 26, 2011, http//online. wsj. com/article/SB10001424052748703408604576164641411042376. html? mod= WSJ_Tech_LEFTTopNews, accessed March 2011. 6 Groupon CEO Apologizes to Japan Customers for Osechi Mess-Up, japantoday. com, January 18, 2011, http//www. japantoday. com/ stratum/national/view/groupon-ceo-apologizes-to-japanese-customers-forosechi-mess-up, accessed February 2011. 37 Tim Krisher, Groupon Users Furious about FTD Flower Deal, HuffingtonPost. com, February 13, 2011, http//www. huffing tonpost. com/2011/02/13/groupon-ftd-deal_n_822360. html, accessed March 2011. 22 This document is authorized for use only by Boshen Wang in MACC 402 Groupon taught by William Forster from August 2011 to December 2011.For the exclusive use of B. WANG Groupon 511-094 Groupon CEO Apologizes to Japan Customers for Osechi Mess-Up, japantoday. com, January 18, 2011, http//www. japantoday. com/category/national/view/groupon-ceo-apologizes-to-japanese-customers-forosechi-mess-up, accessed February 2011. Kunur Patel, Groupon Primes Itself to Become the undermentioned Zappos, AdAge Digital, March 1, 2011, http//adage. com/article/digital/groupon-primes-zappos/149141/, accessed March 2011. Christopher Steiner, The Next Web Phenom, forbes. com, September
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